Ingrown toenail: causes and symptoms

By: Maryton

Ingrown toenails are relatively common, and can affect both men and women, at any age. They most often occur on the toes, and particularly on the big toe. Today, the nail supplies expert Maryton will tell you the causes and symptoms of ingrown toenail in this article.

There are several causes of ingrown toenails:

  • Poor nail cutting: this is the leading cause of ingrown toenails. A nail that is cut too short or rounded will tend to grow back under the skin. As a reminder, nails should be cut straight, square, and not too short: 1 to 2 mm of nail should extend beyond the free edge of the toe.
  • Wearing shoes that are too tight, which compress the foot and prevent air from circulating. Sweating and pressure on the toes are factors that promote the appearance of ingrown toenails.
  • Abnormalities in the structure of the feet (such as hallux valgus), nails (onychomycosis, etc.), or nails that no longer grow straight following trauma.
  • Finally, certain diseases, such as diabetes, will promote ingrown toenails.
Disposable 5 Pieces Mani and Pedi Kit
Disposable 5 Pieces Mani and Pedi Kit 

Whatever the cause of the ingrown toenail, the symptoms are always the same. At first, this nail that grows back into the skin will cause swelling and redness in the skin. Pain can be felt when walking, during physical activities or simply when the toes are compressed in shoes.

What’s worse, ingrown toenail does not heal on its own. The bulge will intensify around the nail and the pain will increase crescendo, in concert with the growth of the nail. The main risk is that this painful bulge will become infected, and pus will appear. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will help you to stop the infection.

Before getting to that point, you should know that it is possible to treat an ingrown toenail at home, by adopting the right actions and natural care products, specially formulated to treat this nail problem. For health reasons, it’s best to invest in a manicure and pedicure set to take care of and pamper your toenails regularly.

Read also: How to prevent the appearance of calluses, corns and calluses?

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